I first came to St John's Institution (SJI), I couldn’t have imagined how
much my life would change. One of the best things about teaching there is you get to raise students' aspirations and make a difference in their lives. The students are so entertaining, they always surprise you. I miss talking with the students, getting to know them, and helping them learn a subject that I love. I miss the good, unexpected moments like when the class shares a joke, students thank you for your help, or say that your teaching inspired them.
Passing on a love of Mathematics was
wonderful, and I realised that I could never be bored teaching
at St John's. When my students tell me they had a fun lesson, there’s
a level of satisfaction and it was a completely different
experience. Granted, I also have my frustrating days, and days where
I wonder what I was thinking getting myself involved in teaching. But
who doesn’t have those, right? It only makes the good days that much
better. Hehehe :).
let the photos tell you the whole of my St John's story ♡♡♡ (credits to my Facebook friends and students for the beautiful, precious pictures)
Best memories
Miss the boys
See their kind of selfie
Farewell party
SPM extra class with my students
St John's Form 5 Graduation Day
My 5O boys
Actuarial Competition at UNITAR
1Malaysia Raya Celebration
Career Day
Add Maths Class with Mr Ven
Impak Maksima for Form 5 students
Gotong royong
Hari Merdeka
SJINCB performance at Sri Pentas TV3
Really proud of them!
Hari Wilayah at Dataran Merdeka
D' Joseph rocks!!
With our own HULK
With my squash club members
Join squash, anyone?
Kuala Lumpur MSSM squash team
Teachers' Day Celebration
Raya Open House
My last day
Yes, you also get visits and messages from your ex-students to prove it. It's great to make the difference and, as they say, it does make it all worthwhile. In addition, I also miss sharing my lessons with my colleagues. I miss talking to people who are as passionate about teaching as I am. I miss working with them.
With my ex-students
Glad to see them back again
SPM Result Day
Miss them
The makan-makan
Garudamas photography session
Happy to meet them
Cross country
Masak bubur lambuk
Majlis Tadarus dan Khatam Al-Quran
Being one of the dulang girls hehehe
The grenade :D
Birthday celebration
Majlis Graduasi Form 5
Staff Annual Meeting
Our raya again
Solat hajat
At kak Ruby's homestay
With some of the parents
Makan makan At Pn Azizah's place
Yeay, we had fun!
Nak mandi sungai :P

Bowling time with the parents
Thank you for everything
Glad to see them back again
SPM Result Day
Miss them
The makan-makan
Garudamas photography session
Happy to meet them
Cross country
Masak bubur lambuk
Majlis Tadarus dan Khatam Al-Quran
Being one of the dulang girls hehehe
The grenade :D
Birthday celebration
Majlis Graduasi Form 5
Staff Annual Meeting
Our raya again
Solat hajat
At kak Ruby's homestay
With some of the parents
Makan makan At Pn Azizah's place
Yeay, we had fun!
Nak mandi sungai :P

Bowling time with the parents
Thank you for everything
I say more? T_T
would like to take this opportunity again to express my thanks to Johannians
and all of you who have made my time there such a great and inspiring experience. Thanks for all the support
and guidance. I have learned so much and will really miss working
with all of you.
in touch ya!
able to help someone learn something is a talent' - Margaret
Teacher ♡♡