Hye everyone :)
Yes, I know, I know.. two months without khabar berita heheheh.. How's life treating you? I feel life is getting better and better. Okay, let me share with all of u what I have been really involved and busy, this past weeks...and how I gained 5 kgs heheheh :) HELP!
okay okay, we start off with the SPM. Just to let u guys know, until today, there are only 24 days left for the Form 5 students before the real exam. Masih tidak terlambat for revision. I really have high hopes for this batch. This is my first time of teaching a batch of students (Form 4 last year & form 5 this year) since I first came to St John. Please, please do your very best and make us proud especially in Add Maths because I have faith in guys. The Add Maths teachers are doing our very best to teach, to give tips for effective learning skills. Bengkel Menjawab Soalan Add Maths SPM (18 August) pun sudah..
Puan Gan Fei Ting from CBN |
Cikguhoneyza |
Mr Ven Suci |
and The 'Towards Excellence Program' for Add Maths which was conducted by all the Add Maths teachers; me myself, Mr Ven and our GPK Tadbir dan Kurikulum, Puan Azizah bt Yahya. Thanks to everyone who has involved in this program and Im really glad to work with all of U :)
Oh yeah, speaking on our Add Maths teacher, Im very proud to say that our cikgusuci, Mr Ven Suci is now has a blog :)
Get the latest tips from him and learn how to score Add Maths papers by viewing his Ramalan Soalan Add Maths SPM 2011. Kepada Mr Ven, thanks for sharing them with us dan ke arah Add Maths A+ dan 100% lulus!!! yeay! :P
share bnyak2 lagi okay? :) We'd to love to have more! THANKS ALOT!
And to my students, wherever you are, make a study plan or schedule, especially if your exam dates are close. I was looking for duas for exams,studying etc. and then came across this..
try to practice this and see the wonders in your life :)
All the best!
Next, the updates on the band rehearsal for the Malaysia Day -16 September at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. Most schools in Kuala Lumpur including St John, CBN, VI, SAB, Klang High School, and a few other schools took part in this event. I recorded a reheasal video for them and the upload operation took a very, very very long time to complete (fuuhhh), and at last tak dapat tngok :(
But, but, I captured a few pictures of them for today's event, the closing ceremony of Hari Sukan Pendidikan Khas at Stadium Bola Sepak, Cheras
To those band boys who were involved, make sure to build in a few “overflow” days to catch up all the syllabus if you fall behind. Caiyok! I know u guys can do it!
And last but not least, the Hari Raya performance (serious dah lama hehehe) :p It was my pleasure to sing with Winnie and Pn Komate. They really have good voice! To Winnie, you should consider yourself going for Malaysian Idol's audition :) seriously, I'll be your biggest fan! and Komate, thanks for the lovely sari ( if U still get what I mean hehehehe ) -kita kita jer tau kan :P I did have fun and enjoyed myself working with all of you! -love
and thanks to my dearest Kak Ruby, if it is not because of you, singing in front of the crowd will be a NO NO for me hehehe.. I really did it for you :) You never fail to make all of us happy, feel motivated and inspired.. We♥U :)
Okay. That's all from now.
Till we meet again in the next entry. tata
p/s: Good luck to all SPM candidates!